Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Unconventional path chosen....

Hey! it's been a while since I came up with an article on my blog. Perhaps i was waiting for the right issue to jot down my opinion about. So here it is 'Roman Saini'. I believe i am obsessed with this particular person or say smitten by his sheer exemplary smile. I was awestruck on learning more about his background. Let me brief you about him -
Roman Saini, an adroit at achieving his goals in the very first attempt. Yes ! he is a graduate from the very prestigious institute AIIMS and cleared the entrance at the age of 16. Further more at the age of 22, he cracked the civil service entrance standing 18th in the country. He became the youngest person joining the civil service with a  combination of degree of being an IAS and doctor. To add a cherry on the cake besides all this he has a degree in guitar from TRINITY college, london. This was not it, what blew my mind was the fact that he decided  to  quit his lucrative job and pursue his vision of providing free education to the budding IAS aspirants via Unacademy. It is an online portal co-founded by Roman Saini , Gaurav Munjal  and  two others, which provides educational content to civil service aspirants

                                       Dr Roman Saini and Gaurav Munjal Co-Founders of 

I was so impressed probably because it was not a stereotypical way of moving on with ones career. I thought it as a new way to close the mundane, humdrum chapter in ones life and try something unconventional. However when the adrenaline rush mellowed in me, I started to contemplate and interact with various people and asked their opinion. I didn't expect to listen to criticism from the other end. I was taken aback by knowing their perception over this issue. Most of them said " jyada dimaag hone se, aise ulta seedha kaam karte hai log ". I couldn't reciprocate to that cause i thought otherwise. Likewise the rest said he is a fickle minded person who wasted the government's money, it invested on his education and training. The educated business part of the society saw a profit motive in it, as Unacademy was gaining a lot of publicity effortlessly. And lastly people thought that if making quality education accessible to a large part of the student population was his dream, he could have done that by even being at IAS officer. So why quit the job and paint it as a social entrepreneurship venture.

 There was so much chaos in my mind  and i wanted to clear this quandary. I sat and mulled over their opinions and perception. After being in a pensive state for a while I could still only see the positives behind the step he took. Yes, I agree many people have the same goal of a better education system, infrastructure and so on, at the end only to see a better nation in the future. They all have disparate ideas to go about the situation and Roman Saini chose this path, which is clearly the unorthodox way of dealing with it. When people call him fickle minded I ask them " what about those people who study science  for most of their student life and end doing an MBA cause apparently that's the way to set ones career in fast track and settle down ". We never question those people, on the contrary drill the minds of the people who are giving up so much for the betterment of the coming generation of the nation. Lastly coming to the publicity stunt, at the end of the day they are running an educational business and publicity is an indispensable part of running a successful business. The choice he made has not been detrimental  to the interest of the people. Therefore I strongly believe he is well on the track.

 Life is all about  finding the inner peace which lies in oneself, and if this is the path he chose then there is no conventional or unconventional part, there is only  RIGHT PATH , the path to inner peace, happiness and contentment in life .

Monday, December 14, 2015


Trying to break the banality of my life, I sat one fine day and thought shouldn't i be doing something which gives me immense happiness rather than living a monotonous life . DRAW !! that was the first thing which struck my mind and in no time i was ready with all the things required to paint. But wait ! what shall i draw ??  i heard people say a true artist would express his emotions via his paintings. That did sound cogent to me and i took a deep breath and started. It wasn't easy initially however i got into the flow and after three nights and two days , this is what i came out with .....

Monday, November 30, 2015

Transferred for arguing with a minister.

The Haryana government transferred women IPS officer a day after a video of her public spat with the state health minister went viral. We are talking about Fatehabad supritendent of police (SP) Sangeeta Rani Kalia and Haryana health minister Anil Vij, who had an argument regarding the illicit liquor trade present in the city. So this is how it began....

" You are getting liquor sold  like this "

" No sir I am not getting liquor sold . This a wrong thing to say. You can not humiliate me like this. "

" Go form here . Get out from here! Leave ! "

" Why ? I will not leave . What is this ? "

" You will not leave then i will. "

This was apparently the conversation between the minister and the officer, however the media only provides us with the edited version of the video. So we might be missing few intricate details. Let's connect the dots.

During the grievance meeting chaired by ministers, Anil Vij demanded an explanation for the illicit liquor trade in the city. The SP mentioned that about 2,500 cases have been registered under the Excise Act in the past 10 months, which was a legitimate record as well as mentioned that the problem needs holistic thinking and the police alone are not enough to solve the issue. Police kept catching the accused only to free them on bail. She did answer his question which was not well processed by the minister, following altercation with Kalia. This could have turned into a sensible debate but instead Mr.Vij takes the easy road and  orders her to get out of the venue. She is not a salary paid employee of Mr.Vij. She is a government servant who has to accord basic protocol to any elected representative. But basic protocol does not mean that any minister can order around any government official from any department. 

Now this evidently shows the difference between a civilized woman and uncouth individual. He definitely has the right to question her but there is a way to address a respected officer moreover this is not how one behaves with a lady, whether she is an officer or not. When we go into the further details we end up finding that each liquor shop holder has their connection with one or the other politician. Interestingly the chain runs this way, the government opens the liquor shop, politician support the business, but at the end expect the police to take action against these owners. How on earth is that fair ?
Ultimately kalia has been transferred as a commandant of the 4th IRB in Manesar.

 Well i don't think transfer is a punishment, it is just a way to diffuse a volatile situation. 

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Amir Khan's take on intolerance in India .

India does not tolerate other culture, it respects, appreciates and treats it as it's  own. We Indians, celebrate dozens of official languages rather than homogenizing them. Now the questions raises,

  • Is India a tolerant nation ?         YES
  • Are some of them intolerant ?   YES 
Well, where the population of the country is  1.252 billion, we can't expect 100% tolerance statistically. If you look at the Global Peace Index, you will find that India dropped from 125 to 141 from 2009 to 2013 ( UPA term 2), and has further dropped from 141 to 143 in the past 2 years 
( dropped means increasing intolerance).

So  now when asked,
  • Is intolerance increasing?         YES
But the pace is slowly decreasing. In fact between 2014-2015, intolerance has actually decreased from 2.571 to 2.504.

When considered Amir Khan's take on intolerance in India, he says that it is increasing moreover expressed his wife's anxiety and thoughts about leaving the country and relocating elsewhere. It was quiet ironic that  such a statement came from a person who is the brand ambassador of Swachh Bharat and also the face of incredible India. On the other hand  I would say that, he as an Indian citizen has every right to put forward his views, as our country gives us the freedom of speech. At the same time it also gives it's people the freedom to express their views and retort.

Going back to the time when 'three idiots' released,  Amir said that " if you read Chetan Bhagats's 5 point someone and seen  3 idiots, you'll realize that it's more or less inspired by the novel " When the journalist asked him if he read the novel, his answer was NO. Now a person who has hardly any knowledge of what is going on in his own movies, how much do you think knows about the nation  on the whole ?? Likewise he strongly supported the Narmada Bachao Andolan during the release of his movie, Rang De Basanti and vanished soon after the movie was out of the theatre. I hope you get my point.

Being a public figure he should be choosing his words carefully, as it can have a great impact on people and their views. He would have said in the most casual sense that he and his wife gave a thought of relocating moreover the media knows very well how to blow  this issue out of proportion and repeatedly criticize  an actors remarks. So b the bottom line is, we can be very easily manipulated  by media and famous people , this is one such  example. People down rated snap deal, retweeted what Anupam Kher said, by reacting in this way we are all the more proving his point.

So whom do you want to follow, the famous stars with minimal awareness or the media who is good at twisting sentences ????

Let us act mature and show everyone that India is growing as a nation and no doubt is among the most tolerant nations in the world !!